Jornal Militar

Jornal Militar

Jornal Militar
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Jornal Militar

descriptionFlight computer E6B EmptyFlight computer E6B

The E6B Flight Computer, or simply the "whiz wheel", is a form of circular slide rule used in aviation. They are mostly used in flight training, but many professional and even airline pilots still carry and use these flight computers. These flight computers are used during flight planning (on the ground before takeoff) to aid in calculating fuel burn, wind correction, time en route, and other items. In the air, the flight computer can be used to calculate ground speed as well. The back is designed for wind correction calculations, i.e., determining how much the wind is affecting one's speed and course. See Wind triangle.

Flight computer E6B 593px-10

Videos Aulas

1 Introdução
2 Escala
3 Conversão de temperatura
4 Miltiplicação
5 Divisão
6 Tempo velocidade e distância
7 Tempo curto velocidade e distância
8 Densidade da Altitude
9 Atitude verdadeira
10 Velocidade real
11 Altitude real
11 Numero de Mach (Velocidade do Som)
12 Pressão do Óleo
13 Peso do combústivel
14 Consumo de combústuvel
15 Queima de combústivel
16 Tempo de combústivel
17 Conversão de pés
18 Conversão de peso/pressão
19 Estatuto Nautico
20 Tempo VOR estação
21 Distância da estação de VOR
22 Vento mais favorável
23 Radial de ação
24 Vento lateral
25 Vento terra e real direção de proa
26 Vento desconhecido

Última edição por CnShark em Dom Mar 20 2011, 01:18, editado 4 vez(es)

descriptionFlight computer E6B EmptyEmulador E6B

E6B Emulator
This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. It is to emulate some of the capabilities of the popular E6B flight computer. Here is the current NOAA aviation weather. For distance between airports, try our Flying Distances Between North American Airports calculator. If the airport you are seeking is not in our table, please send us a quick note and we will add it, assuming we can find longitude and latitude information for it. For distance between specific longitude and latitude points, try our Distances Between Longitude And Latitude Points calculator. Clearing the values will ONLY clear for that calculator so as to retain the other values for other calculations.

Flight computer E6B Asa-e610

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